Your Chart, Your Days
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Use the astrology of the month, the lunar cycle and your unique birth chart to deepen your relationship with your self, habits, goals and people in your life.
90 min coaching session via Zoom.
Are you curious about your birth chart, the current astrological weather or how to use the moon cycle? Do you find yourself Googling things like “12th house” and “moon in Scorpio” to piece together information? Are you interested in using astrology to guide your life?
What if you could know which days of the moon cycle would be most challenging for you personally, ahead of time? What if you could make a plan to be extra resourced on those days? How the heck does the moon cycle affect your life anyways?
Think of me, Justine Taormino, as your bestie who knows a lot about astrology and can give you some fun, meaningful, and PRACTICAL insight into your chart. Part astrology nerd-out, part coaching session, this conversation will leave you feeling inspired to take action in your life (and heads up, that action could be taking a nap 🥔 ).
In this 90 min long coaching session, we’ll cover:
Your “Big 3”: Sun, Moon and Ascendant
Capturing a sense of your current life through an astrological lens
What void moons are and how to work with them
What days are best for creativity, rest and taking action
An aligned-with-your-goals road map for the next month
As an extra bonus, you’ll receive a post-session email with astrology information, reflective questions, and inspiration to support your continued exploration of your life and what you want to create in it.
Ready to sign-up? Wooooo! (literally, let’s create some woo in your life).
Can’t wait to dive into your chart (and life) with you!
Note: You will receive an email with a link to book your session after sign-up. This email may be delayed up to 24hrs.
Questions? Let’s chat.