Work With Me


1:1 Coaching

I love creating a space in a session where you can bring the most problematic parts of your days and unravel them to make sense of who you are and what you want. Using coaching tools and a lot of direct and benevolent language, I guide you back to yourself.

Client vibes include: Introverts. Thoughtful, determined, and driven people socialized as women. Those who may identify as type-As, people-pleasers and/or highly sensitive.


Digital Marketing &

Community Management

Available for on-going support or one-off projects, I rock marketing and community management. A previous boss referred to me as “the hand of the king/queen” (for those Game of Thrones fans), and if you’re unfamiliar, this is someone who will support and implement your ideas while acting as a sounding board for all you’ve got swirling in your busy head.

If you’re a self-employed entrepreneur and looking for someone who can manage your community, expand and execute your marketing ideas, and boost your personal energy, I’m your gal.