Eclipse Reflections
Later this evening (11:43 p.m. PT) there will be a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius. The Sagittarius/Gemini eclipse cycle, cozying up to the South and North Nodes of the moon, began back in June 2020, making the entire eclipse cycle ~18 months long.
Eclipses are usually not a time for intention setting, but instead a time for reflection, fated events, letting go, speeding along and/or resting. The astrologer Chani Nicholas describes eclipses as bringing up the shadow side, things we need to confront, so we can make peace. Through that process we always get back more of our energy, agency, power and humanity. “We’ve shed the skin we’ve needed to shed in the Sagittarius corner of our charts. We’ve learned the lessons and let go of what we could,” Chani writes.
For the past 18 months the eclipses moved through my 3rd house of communication, daily life and extended family and my 9th house of learning, travel and publication. So, it’s sort of no wonder why I pulled down my old website, launched a new one, traveled across the country in our van, continued to quit caffeine, took long breaks from social media, and had the best reading year of my life.
To quickly break it down, the eclipses in Sagittarius were happening along the S. Node of the moon, which is the area of our lives we’re comfortable in and need to learn to move away from. And Sagittarius rules that 3rd house in my chart - where daily life, siblings, communication, and extended family reside. Here are all of the things I let go of during the last 18 months:
Trying to fit into a community
Letting go of any larger community activities and involvement (bc pandemic)
Saying goodbye to two families whose kids played really well with mine and I also adored hanging out with the parents
The idea of a sibling for Adelaide (never say never, but it seems we’re solidly on the side of “one and only”, and it is such a relief to be off that what if rollercoaster)
Quitting social media. A year ago I signed off Instagram around Christmas and didn’t sign back on for ~6 weeks. This started a whimsical practice of deleting Instagram once a week and staying off of it for weeks at a time (see below: majorly improved reading life)
Fighting my hormones/cycle and getting back on birth control to even things out
Reevaluating how I want to be in relationship with people and letting go of shitty habits
Continuing on the path of quitting caffeine. Each stretch of time without it, I become more of my realistic self (and less of that impossible idealistic self)
Seeing our family or friends for a long while (bc pandemic)
Getting to go to Disneyland for Thanksgiving break or visiting family for the holidays (bc ::sigh:: pandemic)
Many emails, To Dos, and media like, all the news
Being hooked by capitalism to prioritize production over living my life
Pieces of my wardrobe that no longer fit right or felt like me
Running, my preferred exercise for the past 15 years
Also, my daily life looks entirely different than it did in June 2020. I now have consistent work clients, workout almost daily, sleep well most nights, have reliable part-time childcare, and understand how to manage our family life around my husband’s ever-changing and demanding work schedule. All of the clearing out in my 3rd house has led to some lovely changes that make my daily life so, so sweet.
The eclipses were also hanging out with the N. Node of the moon in Gemini (my 9th house of learning, travel, philosophy, publishing and ((surprise!)) astrology). The N. Node is an area where we tend to be insatiable, but also where we’re meant to grow. Here is what I moved towards/gained in the last year and a half:
This website, which is brand new
A rich, satisfying and fun reading life. I set a goal of reading 38 books this year and I met that goal Thanksgiving weekend (and I’m still going!)
3 consistent work clients and getting to use my skills to make money (feels so goooooood)
Writing & sending a newsletter
Consistent, reliable childcare (minus any COVID19 issues)
Small overnight trips with friends and climbing trips with H (after a year of no travel)
A 41 day family adventure this summer where we traveled round-trip across the country in our van to visit all the family and friends we hadn’t seen for ages
More astrology, Human Design, Enneagram etc convos in my life
Learning about minimalism, creativity habits and embodiment
Honoring the cycles of my body, seasons, energy, etc
My mental faculties improved and my creativity came back with taking caffeine and social media away and adding in all of that reading
We made the effort to move 2x to finally end up in housing that is just perfect
A deep love and enjoyment of riding a stationary bike as my current default exercise
What I love most about reflecting like this is to see just how much I was able to do, accomplish, grow, shed, change, learn and love in what is truly a very short, long time. It makes me excited to work more closely with 2022’s eclipse seasons - which will be happening in Taurus and Scorpio, my 2nd and 8th houses.
If you’d like to explore your own past year and a half eclipse cycle, you can book an intro call with me. There is nothing I like more than sharing personal experiences about the current astrological cycles. I am not an expert, but I am learning.
Also, highly recommend Closing Time: the last South Node eclipse in Sagittarius by Chani as she covers all of the major collective events the eclipses brought out.