Life Vest
These days, with the swirling of uncharted waters, I am leaning on my routines. Mornings are tarot cards and writing, eggs and vitamins, a big mug of tea. Exercise is important, though anything from a long walk with the dog to some climbing at the gym checks that box. Sometimes it's just running a very slow 2 miles. Good music and short breaks help with all the work, as does brain-dumping all my ToDos or a quick phone call with a colleague. I try to focus on 3 major things per day, and if I make it through all of them, it's especially successful. Evening brings another walk, a podcast, my coaching work. I'm glad I have practice coaching calls scheduled, even if I feel terrible right before we get on the phone. Getting into something I love helps move me along. H and I have a bad habit of eating out for dinner lately, and I am making a concerted effort to avoid chocolate before bed. I haven't been sleeping well at all, but that's probably to be expected. All of this is to say that my routines keep me a float. They allow me to put one foot in front, riding the waves, hour after hour to complete a day. They remind me that I am neither my thoughts nor my feelings, but something larger, like that whole "you are not the weather, you are the sky" Pema Chodrond quote. I remind myself to drink enough water. I text with a friend. I send a card out to my grandmother. I cuddle the dog. While I am focused on cultivating joy this year, some days it's just enough to keep my head above the waves, my routines the life vest. What keeps you afloat or grounded when things get especially tough? I'd love to hear. xo