This week, Carter went under anesthesia to have his teeth cleaned and a few loose ones pulled. When I got him home he afterwards, he was so stoned / confused / uncomfortable he either stared off into space or made the high-pitch whisper whine.Dude, do I know how he feels.The whole week I felt off. I totally forgot to take into account the full moon in Virgo on Monday, drove all over town Tuesday, couldn't sleep well a bunch of nights and ran around feeling so behind each day. By Friday morning, I knew the best thing was to take the day off, so I did.It was magic. I rollerbladed Carter, sat around writing and drinking tea, climbed at the gym and went out for sushi with a friend, took a bath at 4pm, napped before dinner and listened to H play guitar while relaxing on the couch. It was just what I needed.However your week was, I hope you're getting some rest, some fresh air, some family time soon. Here's what I was digging this week:The brave women who continue on after, and write about, pregnancy loss... Lindsey, who launched Pregnancy After Loss Support (PALS) and Andrea's grief post, which revisited me this week.Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's piece on political correctness (and also, can we mention, he has a new book out called Mycroft Holmes?)And to continue on, What It's Really Like To Work In Hollywood* (If you're not a straight white man.)The new metro line expansion from Culver City to Santa Monica - creating a railway from the ocean to downtown Los Angeles - will open in May.There was the Open Letter To My CEO by Talia Jane, a Yelp/Eat24 employee who pointed out in detail how she couldn't possibly afford to live on a salary for which she knew about when she signed on, with full benefits and food in the office. I am not even going to begin to go into how sympathetic I am for her situation and how frustrating it is to read such a first-world problem rant. It received a ton of kickback, but most interesting for me was the laser-dissecting, mic-drop response by Stefanie Williams. so.well.written.MuteMath's "Monument" video is just ::heart eye emoji:: Watch an African-American man dance around the home he's decorated as a shrine to his wife. I mean, just so much love and PURE JOY. Also, I may start plastering our walls with photographs.[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6i6TBT4kfg[/embed]See all Piqued posts.