Embarking On A New Adventure
Oh man - my word from 2015 carried right over into this new year. I'm embarking on a new journey, becoming a certified Martha Beck life coach.I know, before you go all hmm, that sounds pretty woo-woo on me, this is what the essence of the training is:
What we do with our system of coaching is to clear away the obstacles that are blocking people’s best selves. We add nothing, we simply subtract what isn’t working. The essential self that remains is far more sophisticated, intelligent, and beautiful than anything we could dream up. ~Martha Beck
And I love nothing more than getting right down to someone's essential self.After my second miscarriage, I was looking at the vast calendar of 2016 that was now terribly open and lacking anything involving the dreams I have for my life. One morning, I started researching coaching programs, revisited Martha's site and realized I had some money stashed away that would help cover the costs.It felt like a quick alignment of magic that pushed me forward. Here was something to look forward to, to work towards, to grab my life in my hands and direct it this way.I've been in the program 4 weeks now and I AM LOVING IT (insert all the celebration emojis here).I am learning so much about myself, human nature and how to create warm and safe spaces for people to work through their shit. The training assumes clients are whole, resourceful and capable people who do not need their coach to know the answers, but who want a coach to stand next to them while the sort through and empty out box after box of mental and emotional clutter.Already feeling so empowered and honored to channel my empathetic, intuitive nature through these tools to help people know how beautiful life can be.