Go Slow

cali_fenceFirst day back from vacation. Re-entry can be a bitch. I recommend we take it slowly. There's no rush. If we all agree to take it one step at a time, then no one will be left behind...and no one will be able to say they're better b/c they did more in these first few days of 2016. Yes, it's a new year, but let's not blow our whole hustle today.Grab some coffee and read a book. Jot down some ideas in a (new?) notebook. Light a candle and say thanks for today. Maybe read up on the year ahead astrology and your own horoscope.Pay attention.Be inspired.Draft your manifesto.Enjoy an excellent list of links.Put down the internet. Go outside on your lunch hour, even if it's 25*. Walk around the block. Breath in that cold air. Maybe snap a few pictures of what you see. Hold the moment for yourself.Mass delete promo emails that are lodged in your work account. Doesn't that feel good? Respond to a few emails that seem pressing, but know that nothing in your email is really life or death, even if it feels like it.Download an episode of Jen Lee's podcast. Let her and Tim walk you through their own re-entry. Know you're not alone. They're working their way through things today, and so am I. Sending us all warmth and kindness as we move from the freedom of vacation-time to the constraints of the work week.


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