Best Day of 2015
We started this year in grief, and we're ending it in grief, but damn, if it wasn't also one of the sweetest years we've had together.We traveled to Austin, Italy, Maine, Boston, south Big Sur, Tahoe, Manhattan Beach (stay-cation), Virgina, San Francisco, Joshua Tree and went camping/climbing more this year than any other year before. We back-country camped, car camped, hiked and climbed. It was very much the year of adventure.But if you asked us what was the best day of 2015, we would probably both answer:That day we ran around Rome like crazy people, starting with amazing croissants and cappuccinos for 2 euros per person. How the taxi drivers could not care that we had no cash and needed to travel across the city. How we almost missed our appointment at the Borghese gallery, making it just in time. How Justine fell in love with all the Bernini sculpture, how the art was laid out in these gorgeous rooms, how the whole museum felt like a welcoming home (the best museum we've ever visited). How we ate pizza by the meter and mozzarella stuffed rice balls for lunch. How we then went to the National Museum of Rome and over to the Termini Station, where Henry went wandering and Justine looked at the Moleskine store. Then we almost missed our train to Florence (thanks military time) where we checked into our awesome AirBnb and walked around the city. Then somehow we managed to snag bar seats at Il Santa Bevitore which was booked out for the next 4 days (because Easter in Florence is no joke) and have one of the most delicious meals of Justine's life, where the bar tender gave us truffle cheese and the waitress laughed as we all tried to speak each other's languages. We finished the night off with some amazing gelato and a walk around the Piazza della Signoria.How do say "nailed it" in Italian? #bestdayever---I’ve decided to use Susannah Conway’s December Reflections as daily writing prompts this month, most posts to be small poems, good or bad, posted with a photo, to help me navigate a loss I experienced in late November.See all posts here.