Big Magic: Read-A-Long
We start tomorrow Thursday October 15th 2015!When I started reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert I felt this urge to share it with others. Not just broadcast information, but write a play-by-play of my own thoughts and reactions to her writing. Sort of like a book club, but something a bit more on-going and in-depth. A chance to write reflective posts about a book I'm thoroughly enjoying. Something fixed, with a start and end date. A small creative project I knew I could accomplish.And who knows, if this works well, I may consider doing a few books per year.I'll admit, this is a bit meta. Gilbert writers about the fears that get in the way of creativity, inviting inspiration in, and that secret, magical dance it takes to actually produce anything at all. This read-a-long is my own way of opening up to that source and I would love it if you would join me.There are six chapters in Big Magic: Courage, Enchantment, Permission, Persistence, Trust and Divinity.
Posts will go up on Thursdays, Saturdays and Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays we'll cover one chapter each and Tuesdays will be an extra post of links and thoughts, things I think will support what we're reading. EDITED 10.23.15: The schedule I picked was too ambitious for everyone's busy lives, so I've altered it. Chapter posts will go up every Thursday. Tuesdays will still be a bonus post of links.So, what do you do? Well, starting tomorrow (Thursday October 15th) you read with me. That's it.Even if you already started, finished or never heard of the book before today, you can read a chapter and then check-in over here to see what I thought. And I would love to hear your thoughts! I plan on including questions in the posts for you to think about - you can comment on the blog post or send me an email and I promise to respond.I'm so excited to bounce ideas around and hear about your experience of reading this book. Cheers to our own big magic!