On the last day of a 4-day weekend and enjoying the quiet. Feeling a deep need to slow down and, more importantly, say "no". Late last week, I turned down an event and a small speaking engagement for work. My energy is low, the heatwave persists, and I can only do so much.We can only all do so much.The visit with my parents has been fun. Really glad to spend time with them. Tomorrow, they head to Vegas for the second leg of their trip and I go back to work, with an 8am meeting.Yesterday we sat around the pool at their hotel, laying in the shade of an umbrella, swimming in the water and napping on a lounge chair. H cooked dinner for everyone and we watched football and baseball games on tv. I'm just enjoying being.I still haven't taken many photos - the days go quickly and I am tired, but I can't complain. I'm working on the Big Magic read-a-long posts, reading other wonderful bloggers like Jill's post about the workshop she held (yay!) and Lindsey's post about her annual visit with her friends - and I'm watching the time tick on, even if it's from under the sheets while I take a nap.So here's a quiet permission slip to take a break, cut back on something if you need to, take a rest, take a nap, and just be. xo