The Beehive - Acadia National Park
The Beehive is a strenuous, steep 0.8 mile climb of a hike. It is not for those scared of heights or nervous about climbing.Obviously, for us, it was perfect.The trail starts out in the woods off the main park road, continuing up boulders, like you're walking a dry stream bed. Then the 500 feet of climbing starts. Following the blue trail markers painted on the rocks, the rebar ladders make the trail possible up the sides of granite piles. It's more fun than scarey, but not recommended for small children or those with vertigo.The views are amazing.I couldn't get over just how green and blue it all was. Like a box of crayons, the hues were so vibrant. Henry and I made sure to check off our holiday tradition - to have someone take a photograph of us from behind, with the stunning view laid out before us. That's Sand Beach way below us.We came back down the same way we went up, mostly because I was hit with feeling awful (some combo of restaurant coffee, climbing and the heat). I ended up spending the rest of the afternoon wiped out in my tent, but this hike was so worth it.If you're in Acadia and like being up off the ground, check out the Beehive. It will not disappoint.These photos are from our trip to Acadia in June 2015.