Thursday Night Climb


I know, my life is so hard. Last night we met up after work and climbed Point Dume. (I haven't been since end of May). Hoping to make this a regular thing as we ease into the fall-back time change. That extra daylight is magic. And a hard climb overlooking the ocean with dinner out after makes a Thursday feel like a Friday night. Love. It is f-ing HOT out here though, which makes the climbing harder in other ways - sweaty hands, sweat in your eyes, everything sweating. I regretted not bringing my bathing suit and a Gatorade. Next time, next time. I climbed really well, which made me happy. Whatever small amount of concentrated effort I'm making at the gym is paying off. Hope all is well in your world whether you're staying cool, staying dry or feeling summer turn to autumn. My, these seasons go so fast.


The Beehive - Acadia National Park


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