Library Haul - August 2015

library_august15You know I'm getting grounded in my homelife again when I make a visit to the library. It's not often I go, but when I do, it is such a salve for my soul. A relief, to walk the stacks, to touch the spines, to be in the quiet.In Saturday's early afternoon, I rode my bike to the branch closest to my apartment. It was hot out and my legs were tired from the climbing gym Friday night and Saturday morning (I know, it sounds like a lot, but I'm also getting ground in my physical body again too, which means exercising again. Yay).At the check-out desk, I was told that I had a $30 fine, which, days later, still sounds ridiculous. Apparently, April's haul was returned almost 3 weeks late. Whoops. I left my books on hold, took cash out from the bank, and paid up before biking back home with my pile of new-to-me books. I was pissed at myself for the fine, but am chocking it up as a donation to one of the few places in this city that brings me peace.See other library hauls.


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