It's been a bit, I know. Travel + figuring out this new space. Thinking it'll be more consistent from here on out. This week, I went from Austin to LA to San Fran in the space of 5 days. I feel like there's gotta be some hipster / craft beer / start-up joke in there somewhere, but I'm a tad too tired to figure it out. Feel free to leave your quips in the comments.Above is my new favorite picture of Carter Cash straight out of the big camera.On Note Reading A BookAs you may have read from me before, my friend Steph is ah-mazing. She's in a crazy accelerated bachelor program for nursing at a top school, John Hopkins. As if that isn't enough, she's blogging for them. Her honest post, Nurse, Interrupted, addresses both her mother's death and the stigma surrounding mental health.
"As I white-knuckled my way through most of the last decade, in denial of my own grief, I suffered many periods of anxiety and depression. I put on a happy face for the people around me, avoiding help and delaying my own healing because 'I’m a good girl and depression is not a thing and somehow therapy makes me a crazy person.'In fact, talk therapy has made me who I am today. It has transformed me into a strong, self-aware, and self-reliant woman. It has helped me reframe tragedy into permission to live my own life to the absolute fullest. It has given me compassion for emotional suffering and an inspiration to heal others."
Medium, the long-form writing website, is now producing video conversations with authors, called Foreward. LOVE. I've watched Anne Lamott interview and can't wait to make time for Margaret Atwood and the rest.Continuing on with deep, meaningful conversations, check out On Being (I feel so late to the game). I love how On Being releases both the edited and unedited interviews. I listened to the unedited Brene Brown and Mary Oliver, and went for the edited version of Joe Henry. The Joe Henry one was astounding - so many good quotes.
"I think one thing that you're getting at is this idea that marriage is a verb, not a noun. It's not something you did. It’s not something you possess. It’s something that you engage in and you have to be — you are being married all the time. You didn't get married. You are in the process of being married. I am, as I sit before you, even though I'm a long way from home, I'm asked to be constantly engaged in being married." ~ Joe Henry
I had the fortune of meeting Esme Wang during my SF trip and she is just as graceful and articulate in person as she is online. She shares her creative morning rituals in Infusing Magic With A Daily Ritual.And my favorite Joe Henry song Trampoline:[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfDMkSgcRgM[/embed]Piqued is a Saturday round-up of things that caught my attention, inspired me or are becoming a small obsession. It covers blog posts, music, books, podcasts, interviews and more, and always starts with a photo of my dog, Carter Cash. If you find something you think I'd like, add it to the comments and I'll check it out.