New Place, Same Love
Welcome to my new site!I'm still working on a few things (updating my Bio and Library Pages) and I want to post a back-log of stories, but the crazy travel I spoke of started. I'm not at my computer much this week.Months ago, I purchased hosting and the URL (so surprised it was available), picked a template, transferred all of the old posts over, and with help of a lovely tech woman, got it up and running. For some reason, I kept pushing back the release date. Worried perfectionism was getting the better of me, I figure what the hell and pressed "publish" on this post.So here we are. Welcome.Change is gradual, and the opportunities you think will be a big deal sometimes fizzle out. Even more so, the opportunities that are the biggest deal ask you to step up your game even more. That's my hope for this new space. Stepping up my game, sharing stories, bringing my vision of the world to you here in hopes that it helps you in some way.Feel free to share your own stories, questions and thoughts in the comments. I really do want to hear from you. xo