This Grateful Season - 3 Day Weekends

I am IN LOVE with 3-day weekends. I don't know why we don't all just agree that a 4-day work week is much more magical and make this a national policy. It could be Monday - Thursday, Tuesday - Friday or even Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday off, Friday, Saturday, Sunday off. Who's with me?This weekend held so much:

  • My first visit to the Science and Natural History museums near Exposition Park
  • Kohl's shopping spree
  • Not having to grocery shop b/c the fiance did it without me
  • Deleting a bunch of clothing from my wardrobe
  • Pizza, huevoes rancheros, bagles, lattes, italian sausages and overall, too many delicious calories
  • Purchasing video equipment for work
  • Checking more items off my past-due To Do list
  • Giving the dog a bath and biking with him (tires re-inflated on the bike)
  • Football on TV
  • Napping. Lots of it. In fact, lots of delicious sleep. Would love more...
  • BBQ at Fight Night
  • A tad bit of wedding planning (finally)
  • Happy Hour becoming an all-night-hour
  • And this... filming our Save The Date video. Love it!
Feeling really blessed, rested and grateful. Life is good <3
**For the month of November, I’m posting something each day that I’m grateful for. It may be as long as an intricate post, as short as a quote, as simple as a link or as wordless as a photograph. A friend has come on board. Join us? #gratefulseason

This Grateful Season - Nature


This Grateful Season - Save The Date Video