what might help: an incomplete list
Holding up an oracle deck Frog card while sitting on my front porch. Pulling this card often.
Lots of water. A walk. Throwing a frisbee. Yoga. Salads / smoothies. No caffeine. Hiking. Being in the sun. Swimming in the pool (cold plunge?). Stretching. Bouldering some. Cleaning up the house. A quick shower. Coloring / doodling. Pulling weeds. Tylenol. A nap. A fire pit. Veggies. Maybe reading. A trip to the library (closed) or bookstore. Painting with A. Bullet journaling my week. Knowing I have time tomorrow to get settled. Picking dates for a Boston road trip, a shore trip, another camping trip. Writing a snail mail letter or two. Putting stickers in my bujo or journal. Staying off social media. Greiving my dog. Taking a bath. Figuring out where to start with lifting weights again. Booking a massage. Getting back into bed. Clean sheets. Hugs.
*I wrote this before the full moon in Sagittarius was blowing out my nervous system, which is why I also created this reel for helpful reminders of what works for me when things are naht feeling so great.