to the parts of you

Black & white images shows a small child in a dress and long hair twirling

Let the notes of you blast out

Let your voice in all its sincerity 

sing out the truths of what 

you and only you are experiencing

Let this be enough

Let them see you in this way

The turning of crystals in your hands

the journaling and oracle card pulling

trying to give language to the parts of you that are 


and hurting

To the part that thinks she should do more, let a telegram come through of 

you can rest now – it is safe – I make it so

To the part that is sinking under the responsibilities, a trumpets call of 

you are so valuable and unique, and right on time give up the shoulds, let go of the pressure

To the part of you that is so sad, a swan song of soothing mist + hot tea + knowing that 

of course you’re sad, who wouldn’t be sad??

wrapping you in a blanket, tucking you in

Let all of your parts –

the endlessly enthusiastic two-year-old in her sagging diaper 

+ the grinning 12 year-old and her friendship bracelets 

+ the 18 year old packed up to leave for good

Let them talk and laugh and cry

Let them be with you in their very abundance 

to remind you the kaleidoscope accordion collapse of time 

is in you

Unfurling and spinning out

being present to every present day you’ve lived through 

to this moment 


most of it a blur of memory

a swatch of feelings

The recall slower and fainter than you like

but so many images + times + nights + days carrying us through to 

be here. now. together.

falling apart or failing or alone, 

but also living + breathing 

+ being 


Originally written in February 2023 in a writing session with my writing partner, Nina, who brought the poem wherever you are by Maya Stein, giving us the jumping off line “let the notes of you blast out”.


Thoughts On A Thursday