
Close up of a mushroom growing in my neighborhood.

Even tho the summer season is still blooming, I notice all the bright multicolors less and less with all of the ever-shining greens and dappled sunlight pouring through.

So now, I notice the mushrooms.

The browns and whites and grays of my part of the Earth turning ever-so-slowly away from the sun. The tinge of autumn already worming its way through. The moisture and dampness and soil full of water from ever-present thunderstorms chasing us from the pool.

The halfway summer mark passing.

The seasons crossfading right before my eyes.

Lughnasadh is the Celtic fire celebration day, a cross-quarter day, celebrating half-way through the summer season for the Northern Hemisphere. It was celebrated on August 1st. More info: 8 Ways To Celebrate Lugnasadh


Thoughts On A Thursday


Practicing Exercise