Wild Writing 1/100

Just beyond yourself is a whole world of people doing good

Going out into the crowds

And food shopping and working a register

And care-taking children and seeing their patients

The sun is shining out there and you can join

if you’d just get out of bed and put some pants on

I know the weight is heavy, but just beyond yourself is getting in touch with the feelings you keep shuttering away,

that build in your chest as nausea,

that suck you down like a horse in quicksand

the huffing and blowing of your breath not enough to release the squeezing

Just beyond yourself, you will see:

a dog to pet, a child to read to, a pile of laundry that needs folding

You will see a hammock set up in the trees

and an ice pack for your shoulder

You will rally a top knot and leggings

and move a kitchen chair over so you can climb up to the top cabinet and get down the quick cook yeast

You will see bread being kneaded and a porch that is just aching for your bare feet to walk on it

Beyond yourself, this thing, this clump of panic and worry you call YOU

is a sweet kiss from your husband and a turkey sandwich with mayo and that embroidery project you started and plan to gift to a friend

Beyond yourself, the grief and the sadness still IS

but it’s not you. You are a light.

Prompt for this wild writing is the poem "Just Beyond Yourself" by David Whyte. I am creating a timed piece of wild writing every day for 100 days for this year's 100 Day Project.


Wild Writing 2/100


100 Day Project: Wild Writing