My Eyes
Everyone says she looks like me. And considering our rough start, that's a probably a good thing. I didn't think she looked like me so much as she looked like my brother and my sister.But then she also looks like her aunts, H's sisters. And then, of course, she looks like H, especially when you put his baby pictures next to hers. She has his lips, which are his mother's. She has his eye color, his eyes.She looks like me if I was pieced together from parts of him.Mostly, though, she looks like herself. A little being that's never existed before. And that's exactly how it should be.
For the month of August, I am posting each day using a prompt from The August Break challenge by Susannah Conway. The prompts encourage a “month of paying attention” which goes hand-in-hand with my new moon intention to focus on my creativity. I’m sharing all my photos on Instagram with #jtaugustbreak