The Joy List
(Writing this from a hotel on the ocean, where I'm staying for two nights for the meet & greet for my coaching program. It's been a very full, and very good, week.)*Easy travel - no delays, no disgruntaled fellow passangers, no drama.*Magically getting all of my work done before vacation.*Hitting a milestone.*Seeing Martha Beck speak and coach.*Balancing all the extroverted activities with downtime - a nap, a walk along the ocean, binge-watching Downton and reading.*Did I mention the ocean?*Aligning my productivity with my INFJ-ness.*Meeting other coaches in person.*Texting with all my moms. *Steph back in LA, in scrubs, 3m from my apartment. *Charting growth.*Friends who will get into epic phone conversations when I'm driving for hours. *T-2 days until we roadtrip. See all the Joy Lists.