Onward Mush
Today, I wanted to write a few blogs posts, and share about my birthday weekend, but work caught me like a wave and dragged me out.Today, I wanted to worry less, but the dog was at the vet under anesthesia getting his teeth cleaned.Today, I wanted to eat better, and then I ordered a grande chai on the walk home from the vet.Today, I wanted to feel vibrant, but I forgot to take a shower.Today, I wanted to do yoga, but I hunched over my laptop, typing away.Today, I wanted to be kinder, but the Post Office had other ideas.Today, I wanted to get things done, and I guess I did, but somehow not enough to make me feel so.And yet...It was a Monday. A day filled with ToDos checked off, birthday messages replied to, flowers photographed, tarot-cards pulled, texts with friends, and calls from people who send their support. A little reading, a little writing. A quick message from the Universe in the form of a woman's tattoo Onward Mush.It was not the way I thought the day would go, in my head, walking in the cold morning air, but it was a good day. A one foot in front of the other day. A day with love and frustrations. A day with exclamations like Why is it so awesome and so hard?!A day full of normal, lovely life. Onward mush.