
pensiveCarterThis week was a bit much...it's T-8 days till the biggest event of my work year is over and I can only expect this coming week to be even more crazy-making. The good news is we have plans to get outside and off the grid this weekend. Hope you get some outdoorsy time too, even if it's chilly where you are."After we prayed, I went home with instructions for something that looked a lot like a funeral: name my baby, light a candle for her, and talk to her, either out loud or in my mind. A private act at first, so I could know what it felt like. That night, after Jeremy went to bed, I sat at our dining-room table, lit the candles in a crystal candelabra we’d been given for our wedding, and spoke out loud for a while to the baby I’d lost. I gave her a name and addressed her by it. I told her I was sorry: that my body couldn’t house her; that I couldn’t let her go. I did this every night for two months..." from an amazing long-read essay Unpregnant: The silent, secret grief of miscarriage by Alexandra Kimball."Trust it, trust the unfolding." - A Meditation On GriefI wrote my own favorite books of 2015. If you're looking for more, Brain Pickings 15 Best Books of 2015 is worth reading just for her eloquent reviews, even if you never get to reading the actual book.Simple Awareness Breaks Up Anxiety by Kira ElliotLast, but not least - Travel tips from the goddess Danielle Laporte


Camping - Leo Carrillo


The Joy List