First Piqued of 2016!It rained in Los Angeles this week, which felt like pure magic. It was back to work, but I can honestly say that a few tweaks I'm making in my routine are helping (hello co-working). More on this later. For now, I'll just share a few links and be on to the WEEKEND!Totally obsessed with bullet journaling - not because I like writing in tiny handwriting and seeing how complicated the internet can make something - but because I was already doing so much of this process naturally. The original website (video) is straight-forward and concise. If you'd like some added info, I found Tiny Ray of Sunshine's site to be helpful.A lady bug in slow-mo. Nature is so fucking cool.There's a ton of new year DO ALL THE THINGS / BEST LIFE EVER energy out there. I don't know about you, but it's enough to burn out this Type-A introvert. I have my go-to self-care items and they are ridiculously similar to Kira's, so you should just read her's Real Self-Care is Not an Anthropologie Ad....though speaking of Anthropologie - Display Windows.This is a mix of heartbreak and joy if there ever was one - welcoming the birth of a second child when your first has passed away.If you want some insight into what my holidays were like watch Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph and Tina Fey nail the New York & Philly accents. Like, whatever.Enjoy your weekend!Read all of the Piqued posts.