Simplicity and Peace
My sensitivity is up. I'm craving simplicity and peace. Early morning walks are soothing me. Mugs of hot chocolate or tea with honey sit on my desk while the scent of a cedar candle surrounds me. I think, "what do you need right now?" adding those things in, subtracting the unnecessary, the things that feel heavy and purposeless.I posted this to Facebook last night:
There are some really good things here - updates from people I love, adorable animal videos and interesting articles to read - but I'm feeling a tad sensitive to the anger, accusations and upheaval over left/right, democrats/republicans, abortions/right-to-life, refugees/terrorists, gun violence/control, on and on. I'm sending everyone peace and I'm going to peace out from here for a few days to go hear updates from people I love in person, hug my adorable dog and read paper books xo
It feels right to take some time away. Interestingly, I already feel a weight lifted, and an urge to write more here. Just sending out a quick note before diving back into work. Hope you're finding some peace today as well. Have a good one xo