Big Magic: Resources 1
One of the tricky things about reading Big Magic is that Gilbert already shared so many of the ideas on her Facebook page. Sometimes when I'm reading, I start thinking "hhmm I've heard this before," but I don't think this is an issue. The book doesn't read like a bunch of blog posts reprinted in hardback, thank goodness. Instead, the ideas are distilled and part of a larger narrative. On Facebook, the ideas are conversational and fluid. Both ways work for me.Thanks to everyone who is reading & following along. Special shout-out to two ladies who shared their responses with me - Jill posted hers on her blog and Heather emailed me. I love hearing about everyone's experience of reading this book.And for me? Well, I committed to this read-a-long and I'm still posting. That's says something about overcoming my own fears and working towards something that lights me up.READ:Jill's response to the Courage reflectionsElise's take on Big MagicGo Find Your TeachersLISTEN:All of Magic Lessons podcast, which you almost have to listen to in order, but I recommend Dear Creativity & Fear for this week.WATCH:[embed][/embed]Catch-up on all of the posts here.Thanks for reading!