Library Haul - September 2015

library_sept15Alternate title: All The Books.Last Wednesday and Thursday held the monthly meetings that begin at dawn. On Wednesday, only one person showed up to the meeting which is so lame I can't even. I took Monday off to tramp around the central coast, but it was a long week full of sodas, cakes and coffee. I sipped not one, but two (!) pumpkin spice lattes and then added a dirty chai and another latte. I worked from coffee shops and from home. I tried not to feel lonely with H stuck at work or in traffic, showing up later than we planned.On one of the early morning days, finished at 2pm, I had an urge to swing by the library, so I did. I spent an hour in the air-conditioned coolness of the stacks, sampling and selecting books, weaving my way around.I know, it's a large haul this time (don't judge). I bet I won't even read 3 of these before they're due back, but it's such a comfort to pile books into my bag a drag them home to leaf through when I'm feeling untethered. I still have Tiny, Beautiful Things and We're All Completely Beside Ourselves (which I'm almost half-way through) from August's haul. One night, I drove over to another local branch to snap up The Gracekeeper's after hearing it advertised on Book Riot's podcast. Clearly, I'm craving some poetry. And I still have The Luminaries on my Kindle, hanging at 20% read.With the heat, weird vibe about work, and extra alone time, I'm leaning on books to get me through. Non-fiction holds my attention. Fiction keeps me afloat. Reading calms and centers me in a way that not much else can, so it only makes sense to have as many books on hand as needed.What are you reading these days?See all of my library hauls.


Tiny Shifts


Mercury Retrograde - Fall 2015