Creative Work
“Just as any creative project begins with a blank, your life as a creative project will unfold in its right timing with power and purpose as long as you can practice Faith and Trust every step of the way." ~Mystic Mamma
Just last week I asked a friend who is a coach if I could borrow her brain. She asked me awesome coach-y questions like "What are you craving right now?" and I felt silly answering, but I trusted the process. It took a bit, but the light bulb moment happened.Creative work. A dedicated, challenging, focused creative project. That's what I want.___I see the potential in everything. And when you have high standards, care about your work, and have visions of how awesome everything could be, it's tough to live in the real world of waste-of-time meetings and countless spreadsheets. That level of care means that I funnel my creative energy into my day job, so excited to make a difference, to steer the ship in a better direction, to influence everyone to work better. It's exhausting and pointless.This is not a new realization, but one I circle often. I need to gently redirect my creative energies again.___My life-coaching friend and I discussed the idea of how we live our lives being the ultimate creative project. How we live our days is how we live our lives. And then I read the above on Mystic Mamma's themes for September, and it continues that this month's opportunity is “to build your FAITH and TRUST in what you don’t yet know intellectually but can feel is right intuitively."To be quiet and listen. To be disciplined in my spiritual (creative) life and deepen my relationship with myself. To expand my sense of "self, self-worth, personal power and creativity".___I write my morning pages. I pull tarot cards. Trust shows up again. I allow myself the space to feel out what that creative work could be.September's energies are about expanding ourselves, moving on faith, listening to our intuition. It's the kind of reassurance and connection I'm seeking.What about you? xo