CicLAvia 2015
While Monday was hard, Sunday was super fun. CicLAvia closed down the streets in our neighborhood for a 6m bike ride, Culvert City to the beach. We joined our friend T for breakfast at his place, hung out for a few hours drinking mimosas and eating fancy donuts, and then H and I biked to Culver City. We looped back around, picked up T, and headed out to Venice, where we met people for drinks and snacks at a cute bar with outdoor seating.In the end H and I rode over 12 miles, rocked music on portable speakers, people watched till our hearts' content and spent the day happy to be where we live. It was a lovely way to start closing out summer.This week is H's last week off from teaching, but not really. He's busy setting up his classroom and organizing his life for the coming school year. And I'm just trying to stay afloat with work and everything else.It's always a balancing act - peddling keeps the bike steady.