Us At 3 Years

us_stationbeerEarlier this month we celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary.When I came home from work that day, H encouraged me to take a bath - he'd put flowers and candles in the bathroom. While I soaked, he cooked a dinner of London broil, green beans, potatoes and cous cous. There was chilled white wine and wedding flutes full of champagne. Then he offered movie suggestions. I picked The Princess Bride. We drank more wine. It was a lovely way to spend a Tuesday night together.---I keep writing about how work is nuts, but I'm not exaggerating. This is the busiest we've both been at our jobs. We may go whole days without talking or texting, only for one of us to head to bed before the other, and be asleep when the other finally does. As I type this, H's is hunched over a pile of homework for a training he's in, Carter is asleep on the couch, and Glen Hansard's new record plays in the background.We're doing a stay-cation at an AirBnB in Manhattan Beach - H figured if he was going to be slammed 12 hrs a day, he may as well find a nice spot for us to hang out in at night. We're near the ocean. We're together. It's a busy time, but it's good.---There is no crazy revelation at the start of 4 years - just that I know I picked right. I knew at 18 when we first got together, I knew in Italy after everything we went through, and I still know now. I can't explain it. I just know.Marriage is a whole different experience than being in love, but it's something special.---Read more milestones.




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