What a week, what a week, what a week. Yes, it was only 4 days, but two of them were 12 hours long for me. Sheesh. I wasn't going to post anything for today, but just because my day job is BONKERS doesn't mean I want to give up on my personal work. So, here we are.But also this week, I spent wwwwwaaayyyyy too much time looking at a computer screen - and if you did too - I recommend you ignore the links below, shut down your computer, and go outside. I promise the Internet will be here when you return.I love Cathy Zielske's writing - she's honest, imperfect and hilarious. This post about her band of summer (which happens to be Boston - a band I'm also game to roll the windows down and sing to at the top of my lungs) made me think about what that band is for me. At least, for my 16 year old self. And I would say that's Dave Matthews Band, forever. Maybe I need to write a similar post. What about you? What's your summer jam?This week was my 5 year blogiversary. Susannah wrote what she learned from nine years of blogging. My favorite? Never underestimate the power of story.Touchy subjects - appeals to moms from women without children and the truth that new motherhood is hard. "When we live in community, we’re held in a common web. The invisible structures that connect all of us become more visible. And in this holding, in this witnessing, we know that we’re okay."Lindsey never ceases to amaze me with how she captures the beauty and heartache of nostalgia. She summed up her memorial day weekend in numbers, which reminded me of the awesome weekends with friends (like Austin and camping) 2015's already held. We have plans to be in Tahoe for 4th of July - an effort by our friends to start a summer trip tradition that can accommodate our future selves. (Up until now, our summer travel tradition was a very drunk ride down the Salt River in AZ haha). I can only hope our little group experiences what Lindsey describes: "true friendship can morph and change shape as we grow while still remaining sturdy, solid, and there."Even if this week is kicking your ass (like it did mine), I hope you're out, enjoying the season of both this year, and your life, with friends and family around you.