Whelp, we're only 9 days into Mercury Retrograde with a good measure of tangles and it's safe to say we're getting our asses kicked.I'm writing this to you from my kitchen table, huge glass of cool water and my phone buzzing with text messages next to me. Everyone I know seems to be dealing with some giant pile of shit and it.just.keeps.coming.There's no real advice here this morning, nothing to say except hang in there.This is not your life forever. There was a time when things weren't like this and there will be a time when they're different again. When the frustrations won't feel so stabbing, when you are happy to get out of bed in the morning, when you don't need a donut or a cigarette or a 5mile run to make it through the afternoon.I don't know about you, but I'm looking for the little things. Yes, I'm in the weeds of it all, with a feeling of no end in sight, but look at how lovely the weeds are. Directly, I mean. The green, the striations, the way the skin on the leaves holds in the veins of water. Look at the shoots of new growth and the height at which they top out.Notice the details of your day. This intentional settling into the reality of your space. Run your hand over the comforter as you lay in bed. Feel how your hand touches it and it touches you back. Run your tongue over your freshly brushed teeth. Try a forward bend or a downward dog, if you're feeling really adventurous. Drive with all the windows down and no music on. Or blast Taylor Swift like it's your lifeline. Whatever will bring you a moment of perspective, of happiness, of joy.Notice the knots in the tangles, the thread of the snares, the way it feels to be here, right now. It doesn't have to be the WORST or BEST day ever. It can just be today. You can just be you, in these moments, breathing in the life you have.Notice, notice, notice.