Mercury Retrograde Spring 2015
It's that dreaded / wonderful time of the year when all goes wonky - Mercury Retrograde! Communication breaks down, travel is delayed and generally life feels a bit more chaotic.But is it really? Could it be that the chaos is from our own response to the changes, to the frustrations that things are supposed to be this way when they're going way off that way?
This is all about what will be gained by letting go. It’s about having the courage to make the choice to move from one phase in our life to another, and letting the universe reward us for taking chances. ~Elephant Journal
Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini starting tonight at 7:39 p.m. PST and ending June 11 at 3:33 p.m. PST. However, it already hit us, literally, when we were rear-ended on Saturday afternoon going south of the 405. Luckily, H handled it with pissed off and patient gusto, the other driver was apologetic, and everyone was safe. Our new car needs repairs (which sucks) that I'm sure will take longer than we'd like, but considering car accidents, all is OK. Yesterday we started decluttering - H put together 2 huge bags of clothes and I attacked the toiletries and bathrooms. To top that off, H is committed to teaching 3 extra classes for the last 4 weeks of school due to changes in the department.Whew.The general consensus for Pisces (my sign) is to use this month's transit to focus on home issues - reorganizing, decluttering, reassessing family goals and redesigning how things can be. I would like to use these next 3 weeks before I leave town again to do 5 main things:
- wrap up the fiscal year at work, creating a overview presentation
- brainstorm the next 2 seasons of my work calendar
- sketch out a loose 5-year plan, feeling my way through it
- start the process of decluttering the apartment (could take a few months)
- backup all of my files with an online service
And all the while, I'll keep the quote I have posted on my wall in mind. The picture in my head of how it's supposed to be rather than how things actually are.
The silver lining? Mercury retrograde is a great opportunity to handle unfinished business. Most of us start a million things that we don’t complete, never realizing how much psychic clutter this creates. The retrograde is like a quarterly review, a chance to tie up those loose ends and create a clear vision for the future. Take advantage of it, and you’ll emerge fresh and ready when Mercury goes direct. As the cliche goes, what you resist persists. So the more you can embrace chaos or a lack of control (and isn’t control an illusion, anyhow?), the better you’ll survive this cycle. ~AstroStyle
More reading:Leaving Doors Open, Gemini-Style by AstrobarryMercury Retrograde on Cafe AstrologyHow To Survive a 3-Week Communication Crisis on AstroStyleIt's Time To Make Things Right on Elephant JournalMercury Retrograde and What It Means For You on AstrologyZoneAn Empath's Guide to Mercury Retrograde on Elephant Journal (a bit long-winded, but generally good things to keep in mind)Mercury Retrograde May 2015 on Darkstar Astrology*See other posts where I mention Mercury retrograde.