I am blessed with three moms.My first mom is my own mom, the one whose DNA runs through my cells, whose name I have as my middle name. She is a starter, a do-er. She taught me about working your tail off, about the ferocity of being a mother, about following your intuition and chasing your dreams. She is as sensitive as she is stubborn... and that's where I get it from, for sure.My second mom is H's mom, a funny, empathetic woman. She's taught me that laughter is a great response to almost everything *and* that it's OK to cry in public. She is open-hearted and brings her optimism wherever she goes. (And she's a one-woman PR rep for this blog haha).My third mom is H's step-mom. She's warm and adventurous. She's taught me to be straight-forward in a compassionate way, to treat people fairly but not at the expense of my own self. She fully supports my travel bug and vacations even harder than H and I do.They are all fire signs, who speak their mind and care deeply about their families. They're each a badass in their own way and they've all influenced the woman I've become.And I'm wishing them all a very happy mother's day.(You can read past mother's day notes here)