On Being A Badass
When you wake up feeling frustrated, take the dog out for a roller-blade.And while you're skating, let yourself ramble out loud about how frustrating the week's been. Complain about work, bitch about people, be extra upset your therapist is on vacation (because, of course).Then remember that you've felt like this before and you have tools to deal.Start speaking to yourself like you speak to your friends when they ask for advice. Lean on The Work (Byron Katie), asking how things seem and then "Is that really true?" And if they're not true, then what is true? If the world is made up of our perceptions, and we're unhappy, then our view is distorted. Identity the thoughts creating suffering and realign.Remember, you're a badass. Shift that shit.When you get home, feed yourself real food for breakfast and heat up the coffee your husband made. Think about what it would feel like to be a badass today.Pull out your favorite black jeans, and that jean vest. Boots over flip-flops, for sure. Wear the long feathered earrings and the gold ring you bought yourself for your birthday this year.This year that has already held so much low and so much high.And remember that you're really good at your job, but you are not your career. You're really good at accomplishing things, but you are not your To Do list. You're really good at sorting out drama, but you don't have to participate. Remember that you've lived through the worst, and survived it to be here. Remember that there is so much to celebrate.And don't you forget, you're a badass.Also check out #wearyourjoyproject and #idressforme