To Be More In The World
Waiting at the airport for my 10th flight in 8 weeks. How crazy is that?This time I flew to the Virginia area for my friend Liz's bachelorette. It's been a whirlwind 60 hour weekend of wine tasting, restaurants, girl talk and Cads About Matrimony. (Yes, that is a thing - and it's awesome.)As fun as it's all been, I am really looking forward to being home for a bit. When I set this year's OLW as "adventure" I didn't really know what it held for me. It's no surprise that the Saturn shift into Sagittarius has me jet-setting, but I didn't understand just how much traveling I'd be doing. Leaving home is a way to break routine and shake things up, for sure, but more importantly it feels like a way to be more in the world. Everything I encounter is just as it is and I show up just as I am. It all carries on, the "good" and "bad" of every day life melding into the present state of whatever is in the moment. It's a theme I am circling around lately - leaving home to appreciate being back. My sense of adventure is overlaid on my deep need to experience the details of my life. All of this travel isn't just teaching me to love the world a little more, but to love my world even more. The feathers flying out of the hole the dog punched in the bedspread. The parrots congregating outside my window. The feel of my 2007 Corolla as I turn on to our street, the same route I've driven at least 600 times. Trying to bring the presence travel asks of me to my daily routine. Shifting my attention to the details of moments so I can connect deeply with the experience of it all. It's not a difficult task, but it does ask me to concentrate on what matters. To focus on the here and now. I don't fly again till mid-June, but I will be sinking into the world of my home, my writing, my own life. To be more in the world that is mine.