Five Year Plan
"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." ~Annie Dillard
I believe that small, daily habits build our lives, so of course I love the idea of this 5 year, one-line-per-day journal. Since I received this little book as a Christmas gift (thanks E!) I started January 1st 2015.Each night, I write a little bit about the day. So far, I've missed an evening or two (usually b/c I'm tired and turn off the light before I remember) but it's simple enough to fill it in the next morning. It has 5 entries per page, with each page being one day of the year. You fill in the year and a little blurb about your day.I'm only 6 weeks into it, so there's no spectacular a-ha moment. The nightly reflection is nice, but the real reward will be over the next few years, as I revisit my previous entry for each date. So much can happen in 5 years...Since 2010:- this blog was started- we adopted Carter Cash- we got engaged (and then married)- we went on our epic Grand Canyon trip (and had yet to visit Hawaii or Alaska)- my job was different and has only gotten better- my siblings didn't live near me in CA- my relationship with my parents was not so good- I attended my first retreat, and took many an online class- a few of my really good girlfriends still lived here- I started therapy- I was just beginning to experiment with photography again- I'd never had a life coach- rock climbing was not a thing- I was still in my 20s- I didn't know how to take care of myself. I certainly hustled for my worthiness.- I hadn't read Harry Potter yet.So yeah, a lot can happen in 5 years. Looking forward to having this small, memory-keeping habit capture and reflect on my days and our lives.