Wandering Through the Garden
"Working on ourselves is a lot like cultivating a garden." ~ lois wilson
My friend Steve shared the quote above on yesterday's post where I spoke about my slow entry into this new year. The garden reference supports what I'm feeling - that the past 2 months or so were a time to rest, to let the fields lay fallow, to drawn in.
But with the new year energy (all those motivating pins on Pinterest! all those big resolution posts on Facebook!) it make sense to feel a little behind. And then one of the biggest shifts in astrological news coincided with Christmas week - Saturn moved from Scorpio (underworld, emotions) to Sagittarius (curiosity, actions).
It's like the whole Universe is a classroom full of kids being let out the day before summer break. It's hard to ignore that type of energy, that cosmic shift.
Astrobarry wrote about here:
...and if there's one central theme we can confidently associate with the taskmaster-planet's recent occupation of the archer's-sign, it's that our job is now to move decidedly forward, straight into the heart of the action, the adventure, the excitement, to the obvious next-destination on this journey and/or toward that which really matters to us. Life's too short to get caught replaying details of the past...That is what I've been feeling - a serious focus on forward movement. Future. Dreaming, but with plans. Ideas but with outlines. Projects that lead to goals.But for all that energy, it doesn't mean we know what to do with it yet:For the time being, many of us are sort of wandering through our new year, still acclimating to the different Saturn vibe. We aren't sure quite how quickly or dramatically to move forward, caught between eager optimism and recalcitrant fear. Even as circumstances change, our minds remain in a struggle to catch up, as suggested by Mercury's current retrograde (continuing through Feb 11). In this unfamiliar territory, it makes sense to proceed by feel, sensitive to our surroundings, somewhat meek or tempered with the force of our actions, still assessing the astrological temperature before taking more confident ownership.I think that's what I meant yesterday, I'm feeling my way through right now - not pushing myself to go any faster or work any harder than I need to. And I'm OK with that.I know from experience that for each down turn there is an upswing. Like for each winter there's a spring. xo