Glimpse Of My Best

Yesterday, I wrote about doing what I want. Learning to ebb and flow with my energy, demands at work and home, and general enjoyment of my days.While last week's emotional ups and downs were tough, writing yesterday's post was soothing and empowering. I could see the progress, I could feel the upward sweep of energy again.---I just took the dog out for his last walk - where we say he needs to "just pee on a post". Normally, H does this walk, but he was busy with school work so I decided I could go out again, for the third time today.Honestly, I wanted to feel annoyed that this chore was left to me, but as I walked in the crisp air, in the pitch dark, I felt grateful - to be outside, to be in a safe neighborhood, to be in quiet, and to be with my awesome dog.Before I sat down to write this, I pulled a tarot card (I have the Wild Unknown deck) and pulled the Queen of Pentacles.

The Queen of Pentacles may represent a mother figure in your life who can provide you with loving support and nurturing to help you get through the influences of your past. She may be a teacher, a counsellor, a mentor, or someone who you are very close to. Alternatively, she may represent a part of yourself, particularly if you are investing a lot of yourself into nurturing and caring for others and creating an established and comfortable lifestyle.

After working at the office all day, cooking dinner, taking care of the dog - it seems a fitting card. Deeper still is the importance of "you are also able to find time to invest in yourself and ensure that you have enough ‘me’ time in between all of your other commitments."So much of my mood swing last week seems tied to giving too much of myself. Pulling this card feels like a North Star in that whole lesson being learned - here is a symbol of the woman I want to be. Warm, practical, nurturing, generous and yet, hard-working, focused and proud of her success.---It feels as if this card solidifies much of what I wrote about yesterday. I am at my best when I have a sense of warmth, trust and security. Doing what I want, taking care of my own needs, only serves to strengthen these feelings, making me a stronger and more fulfilled person, which in turn allows me to give even more back to the world. And why else am I here if not to give my full self to my life?




Doing What I Want To Do