July (My Favorite)

I'm off this week in Newport Beach with my parents, celebrating the 4th. It's the first time all year that being out of the office = actual time off. All the other days I was traveling or running around with people - basically, not relaxing.This morning had a similar start where I had a work call reschedule, then cancel, emails to go through and people who think they need my attention... and after 30 min of that, I decided I was done and unplugging from work completely the rest of the week. It will all go one without me. My work is not my worth.A helper in this is that the wifi at the vacation home is sucky and basically a waste of time. So I wanted to post a quick hello here, to update you on my absence and also welcome in July.2014 is 1/2 over, and it's been a whirlwind to say the least. I'm not sure how time is going so quickly.Despite the lack of internet, I'm writing blog posts and (hopefully) coming up with a bit of a schedule. I have so much to share but I just don't get around to it. Working to change that.After the work crap this AM, I took myself down to the beach - walked the wet sand, shot a few photos and felt the humid, salty wind on my face. The ocean. The month of July. They really are my favorite.Hope you're off to a great summer-time. xo


Cheers To Two Years


11 of 52: Year of Ocean