
I could go into all of the craziness that has been 6+ weeks of my life, but right now I'm throwing down the marker that I am back, here, home, loving my life. It's such a relief, really, to be back in it after leaving it for some many days.With that said, re-entry is hard. Finally slowing down involves a lot of metal-on-metal from the brakes, waiting for my energy to steady, feeling my mind smooth over like ripples on water.I've napped almost every day this week, guzzling glasses of water, falling asleep as early as 8:30pm and not waking up until 7am. Some mornings, the catch-up for work feels impossible, like I'll be forever back-logged, and then other days I power through 40 emails. I have energy for meetings but find afterwards my voice is hoarse and I need to lay down.My life is so full, and I am so grateful for all of the experiences of the past 6 weeks - but it's time now for me to slip back into the soft comfort of my life, of my living - to find my own routine again and just be.


Look For The Light

