Flow: Month Three
We can sum up March as I’ve finally gotten my energy back and it’s a good thing because I am committed to a shit-ton of stuff.I know I hardly blogged in March, but that’s OK because 3 months into 2014 and I’ve:
- Cut back on my drinking
- Grabbed coffee with a woman I met at the retreat 6 months ago
- Continued running 2-5x per week, usually 2m at a time with the dog (slooooooow)
- Started (and become obsessed) with rock climbing at an indoor gym
- Spoke an an important meeting
- Traveled to San Diego and Big Bear
- Hosted 10 events for work, one of which was the most well-attended event for our office ever
- Attended a conference and a training
- Took care of our homelife while H took his Comps test and ran the talent show
- Biked 10m on a hot day to see a best friend as she ran the LA marathon (go Steph!)
- Wished my mom a happy birthday (with my siblings and the gift of an expensive purse hah)
- Hung out with another best friend while she visited LA (hi Liz!)
- Read two magnificent books
- Had Conan O’Brien talk to me (thanks to a friend I made at the conference, who needed a tour around Abbott Kinney and conveniently wanted to order a hot chocolate from the Toms Shoe store right as Conan also came in to order a coffee)
So, I’m still going with the flow. Even when I forget that flow is my word for the year - I’m working on a new level of acceptance: This is how things are - an acknowledgement of how something really is and not the half-imagined version my brain would like it to be.Interestingly, I have no real routine - every week is different - and this will continue for April as I travel and we have family visit. Yet, I’m still functioning fine. Things are getting done, cycles are aligning with the moon, emails get answered…eventually.I have noticed a bit of multi-tasking manic-ness creeping in. When I read Sas Petherick’s “Calling Bullshit On Multitasking” I laughed out loud. She writes: “When I feel organised, I feel more confident, more in control.”I get that, and I agree, but I’m also aware this week how much this seems to be my season of high energy, pulling a lot of information in and (possibly soon) creating a lot of product to ship out. My energy is great, my brain feels clearer and my confidence is up. If I was swimming through rapids in January and February, March felt like I finally caught a wave.Looking forward to riding it for the rest of April.