Year of Ocean
The ocean is sacred to me.Since growing up on Long Island, I feel it when I'm far from the water. The semester I lived in Nashville, I knew I was land-locked. My love of Los Angeles increased the closer we moved to the Pacific. Spending even a half-hour staring at the waves brightens my spirits and calms my mind.This idea came to me before I chose my One Little Word for the year, so it seems only appropriate I chose flow. (more on this soon...)I wanted another year long project (like Project Life). I wanted something that would be a challenge, but nourishing for my soul. Something I "had to do" that was good for me. Something that would inspire me and make me take advantage of how close we live to the beach. If / when we buy a house, this will cease to be our norm. I may never live this close to the ocean again (though, secretly, I doubt that, you never know).And so here is my project: a year of ocean. 52 weekly posts of pictures and words about a trip to water. The weather, the company, and certainly whatever comes up. I think it'll keep my one little word at the forefront of my mind and allow me clear space, which is something that's come up since the retreat in October.And speaking of that retreat - I read this post On Patience by Laurie the other day and she spoke right to me (also my experience of her in person). As I'm moving into this new year, I have my hopes but I'm feeling a bit whiplashed.She mentions two things that give me permission: a practice of not doing anything (what I've been craving) and a friend who rests in his self-care habits (what I've been practicing).Space and self-care... flow. Year of Ocean seems like a perfect way to declare, track, and record my experience of both of those things.**I'll be using a tag Year of Ocean here and on Instagram if you wanted to follow along. Better yet, start your own thing and let me know so I can follow you.