Book Love Rekindled

Last week, I took a trip to my favorite library - the Santa Monica Public Library's Main branch - and went to town taking books out. I thought I would share a slightly messy list of my notes.
Got it! - Steve Martin - Born Standing Up - 791.4092 MARTIN
Couldn't find - Marukami - Running - 921
Yes, but not now - Wakefield 153.3 - Creating from the spirit
Didn't find - On Becoming An Artist - 153.3 Langer
Didn't look for it - Maisel - Book Proposal 808.02
Not really good - Note To Self - O'Shea - Journaling 808.066
Took this book out a long time ago - decided no this time - 158.12 Bliss - writing journaling
Couldn't find it - A Walk Between Heaven and Earth - Holzer 818
Didn't look - The Blue Jay's Dance - 921 Erdrich
Got it! - A Drink Before the War - Mystery - MF Lehane, Dennis
Got it! - Donald Miller - A Million Miles in a Thousand Years - 921 Miller

Reading is important to me. A priority, you could say. It calms and energizes me at the same time. My reading habit is a direct reflection of how I'm feeling. Interestingly enough, the happier I am, the more I'm reading (at least this year). Wish it were the other way, since when I'm feeling crappy, I probably need that comfort even more. There's a big gap in my reading from about April to August this year. Yes - I read a few things, but it wasn't joyful. It felt forced, dull and exhausting (much life how I feel about that time in my life hah).But I'm back in the swing of things - both in reading and in life - woo! Thanks to a friend who recommended Divergent, an amateur version of Hunger Games, it made reading feel fun again. Engaging, like rekindling a love affair with my Kindle (see what I did there). And I've devoured a 4-5 books in the past 6 weeks. Feels good. Feels real good.I'm in the middle of A Light Between Oceans and can.not.wait to read the Steve Martin memoir.Would love to hear your book recommendations or what you're currently reading. Please share with me. If you'd like to see a list of books I've read this year, visit my library.


Wear What You Want - Freedom


Finally, Fall