Girls' Happy Hour

As I mentioned, I am feeling pretty good this week. I've had energy, been super productive at work, exercised, chatted with friends, cleaned a bunch and cooked at home.Yesterday was a hot one in the Valley - in fact, it's been hot all week, but last night involved sitting outside with some girlfriends, enjoying happy hour.One friend is moving, one doesn't love her job, another is a great source of work advice, and my sister joined us too. So the conversations flowed around employers valuing their employees, how much easier it is to work with straight-forward people, why people don't value networking skills, and how we're all pretty darn good at what we do. We drank margaritas and ice water and split appetizers.So fun.And considering I spent the entire day in my windowless office, processing work, all alone, it was magnificent to get out and spend some quality time with my friends. Nothing beats that, I tell ya.Headed out for some dancing tonight, a hang with a different friend tomorrow, and day-drinking on Sunday. It's shaping up to be an awesome 3-day weekend.Hope you enjoy yours xo




A Normal, Magical Day