day 19: white
Back to Boston, for work, staying at my favorite hotel. Today was full of meetings that probably won't pan out into anything. We hit a bunch of traffic this morning and I never really ate breakfast. Got to have dinner with the friend I visited all weekend (one of my bridesmaids / our wedding planner) and our other college roommate (who officiated the ceremony). Great conversation that went by too quickly. Lots of sushi consumed.
Tomorrow is one big long meeting, as is Wednesday. Not really looking forward to it at all. I figure I'll just show up, be myself and see how things go. And pray there's an endless supply of tea.
For some reason H thinks it's a good idea to pursue concrete house-hunting when I'm not physically in Los Angeles. We've had our realtor send over an offer, but 8hrs after the fact, I don't want to print and sign it. In fact, I want a new relator. And to put this whole house thing on hold.
Because of the time change, I can't discuss any of this with him for another hour, so I'll just enjoy some Piano Concerti on Pandora and a hot shower in the best hotel ever.
Fingers crossed I get a run in along the Charles tomorrow since I missed the opportunity this evening.
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See all of my August Break 2013 posts here.