Not Your Momma's Scrapbook
So, all of a sudden, I have a small scrapbooking hobby. It seems a natural progression - journal, take photos, combine writing + pictures = scrapbooking.But this ain't your momma's scrapbook.There are no cheesy stickers of soccer balls for soccer-themed photos, no cutting photos out into odd shapes, and certainly not just a bunch of bits and pieces glued down in a book (though that can still work).Now it's less theme-y and yet still all about capturing our lives. It's about preserving stories, showcasing gorgeous photos and playing with paper.I still haven't found my groove yet. One reason is that I'm hesitant to dive into this hobby full-force. What if it becomes a pile of unused supplies? And where the hell am I going to store the final products when H already has nightmares of my journals overtaking our living room???My entry point was some combination of Project Life, reading Elise's blog and listening to a scrapbooking podcast without actually scrapbooking. I've been doing Project Life since January and I'm about 8 weeks behind. I am OK with this. (Apparently many people start to freak out they're "behind". I am just impressed I still care about this project).I'm enrolled in Ali Edwards' Hello Story class - and while I'm loving the IDEAS, I'm still hitting resistance in actually making anything. I'm confident this will work itself out.Asking myself these questions:
- why do I want to tell stories?
- how do I want to tell them?
- how do I want to share them?
That is all.Just a quick marker for where I'm at, and a list below of the sites that I now visit since I care about this niche. Also note that I am super-duper trying to not fall into the consumer panic of new products / over-shopping / hoarding. Instead, I'm hoping I can get creative and make what I need rather than buying it.We'll see.My style is potentially some combination of these:
Project Life (Becky Higgins)
Minimalist & gorgeous:
Pink Ronnie (Rhonda Mason)
Paislee Press (Liz Tamanaha)
Much brighter / busier in design but so FUN:
Other resources:
Paperclipping Round Table podcast