Sundays Are For (Week 27)
Today was an up & down, moon void-of-course type of day.We slept in late because we were out late - our friends had a big house-warming party last night. Once up, we decided to drive down to the marina to walk Carter. It's been cold & gray, like June gloom in July. I'll take it though. I don't know why, but I am pining for fall and the holidays, so being able to wear jeans and a scarf this afternoon made me extra happy.We walked the marina and a little shopping center. Brought Carter down onto this dock and saw this gorgeous bird, though I don't know what he is. He was a brave one though, letting me getting super close to snap a photo of him.On the way home, we went to Jamba Juice, and then I spent an hour doing yoga. Loving it so much.We watched Battlestar Galactica, ate lunch, took showers and decided to head out for lattes. Ended up at my fav place, but Carter didn't feel well, and his continuous coughing up fluid made it extremely annoying to sit at the coffee shop. So with coffees to go and a quick stop by Trader Joe's, we were on our way back home.The dinner plan was grilled carne asada, but because this day has been all about foiled plans, the gas grill wasn't working. Dinner turn out fine, but not as amazing as I'd hoped.H started his work vacation. It's been a nice weekend, having him home. He'll be around all week, which frees me up to go running alone and put some good time in at the office. Hope your weekend was enjoyable too xo