A Little Challenge
My energy and sleep are all over the place recently. And my head is full of the crap that tells you you're not good enough. Meaning, I'm not good enough. No bueno.Last night, on a whim, I decided to do 5 days of yoga this week.This morning I did my first class via Yoga Today.Maybe yoga's not the right thing for you... but I bet there's something that helps you relax, feeds your soul, quiets down those mean voices that you avoid. That you place at the bottom of your to-do list as the "reward" for getting everything else done. Maybe a bath, a swim, a nap, some writing, some walking, some meditating. Whatever it is, you dangle that nurturing action in front of you like a carrot... and then never get to enjoy it.I read this post by Michelle - We have the time - and I agree. No one is going to paint your canvas for you, as she says. No one is going to run my miles, do my yoga, kiss my husband for me (let's hope not, but you get the point hah). I am the one living this life, and I'm the one who gets to choose how I spend that time.One day I will be gone. And the time I spent on yoga or hugging my husband or writing to you here will be much more valuable to everyone than the laundry done or not done.What do you choose? Will you join me in picking one awesome thing for you to do each day? Would love to hear about it in the comments :)